
Deck of Encounters & Loot: Rollable Tables for DnD 5e

Created by Tome of Summoning

Elevate your DnD 5e gameplay with loot and encounter tables! Enjoy randomized challenges and rewards to make your games more thrilling. Pre-orders are only available in the USA and Canada.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit Survey Closed!
10 months ago – Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 09:25:39 AM

Hey All,

It is time! Backerkit Surveys are now closed. Thank you for filling out your surveys on time; we need those details for final manufacturing quantities and planning out customs-friendly shipping. Anyone who has not completed their survey, especially backers who live outside the US may need to pay additional shipping fees. Do try to complete your surveys as soon as possible to avoid any additional fees.

Credit cards will be charged this week, so please keep an eye out for that on your statements.

Happy Holidays Everyone!


Nayan & Lee! 

Backerkit Surveys Closing Soon!
10 months ago – Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 10:15:59 AM

Well met summoners!

Has it already been a month?! We’ve had our heads down in production and lost track of time! But we’ve got a lot done! We’ll give you a more complete breakdown of our progress in our next update soon, as today we want to give you all an important reminder!

There are a few backers that have yet to finish their Backerkit surveys, so we will be extending the closing date to midnight PST on the 27th! Be sure you share your reward selections with us so we can be sure you get your goodies on time! If not, it may take some extra time and shipping costs to get your rewards to you, so check your emails for your Backerkit link and get to it! These Backerkit surveys are important for aligning manufacturing numbers, planning fulfillment, and scheduling production!

Talk to you all soon! Keep an eye out for our production update!


Nayan & Lee

BackerKit Survey Is Live!
11 months ago – Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 11:51:00 AM

 Complete your survey: Closes November 20th.

Hey Everyone,

The smoke test was a success, and the surveys will be emailed to everyone shortly after this update goes out! Please make sure to fill them out as soon as possible to avoid any production delays!

 Some Important Survey Information 

1.  Survey Closes November 20th, 2023: This will lock in the orders so we can confirm item counts for manufacturing. You will not be able to edit your orders after that date. We will send a final notice 48 hours before to give you all enough time to make any last-minute changes or a chance to add any add-ons.

2. Upgrading Pledges: You can upgrade your pledge in Backerkit, so make sure to take advantage of those awesome Kickstarter-exclusive bundle deals! See the image below.

3. Shipping Prices: Currently, we don't have shipping prices entered for physical rewards in Backerkit. We plan to wait until closer to fulfillment to enter and charge you for the physical items on your survey to get the most accurate fulfillment prices.

4. Updating Addresses: You will be able to update your address until we lock the addresses, which will be right before shipping around March 2023. We will let you all know when that is.

 Projects We Love!

 Our friends over at Moonlight Maps are at it again with a new and awesome Kickstarter, Plain Terrain!

Plain Terrain is a GM essential, with eight environment packs containing six unique plain terrain maps, and matching static-cling assets to quickly bring your world to life and create breathtaking battle maps with ease!

Watch the joy on your players' faces as you throw them into YOUR exact world, time and time again. No more "pretend this is snowy..." or "like this....but it's all on fire..." Now you HAVE snow, burning hellscapes, and MORE, with perfectly matching assets for every theme!

Their project is now LIVE, so go check them out and pledge before it's too late!


Nayan & Lee

Backerkit Survey Coming This Week!
11 months ago – Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 01:05:20 PM

Hey All!

We are finally ready to launch the pledge manager this week! So please read the details below to finalize your pledges! This is very important to ensure the delivery of your items.

What is a Pledge Manager? Well, we use a 3rd party company called Backerkit to send out surveys that collect additional backer details like item choices, add-ons, shipping addresses, and any pending payments that may be applicable. This also includes anyone whose pledge may have dropped at the end of Kickstarter due to credit card or other errors. So, you will have a chance to add your original pledge in Backerkit.

Please complete this survey as soon as possible so we can avoid any production delays!

Smoke Test!

We will be sending a survey smoke test Today to ensure everything with the surveys goes smoothly. What happens during the test is a small percentage of backers will get their surveys. The feedback from that test will tell us if there are any errors or issues with the survey that need to be addressed before we send it out to everyone. When it comes back with no errors, we’ll be sending the rest out later this week!

Survey Launch Date: Wednesday, October 18th!

Pending everything goes well with the smoke test, we will send out the survey on October 18th. You will receive a separate email with a special link to your BackerKit survey. You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey; just click the link in the email to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like.  When the surveys go out, we ask that you complete it as soon as possible so we can make our orders with the production facility. The longer this step takes, the longer we have to wait for the product! 

Note: The survey must be completed to receive any physical and/or digital pledges.

After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys on November 20th and get our final counts. If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email.

Some Important Information

1. Upgrading Pledges: You can upgrade your pledge in Backerkit, so make sure to take advantage of those awesome Kickstarter-exclusive bundle deals! See the image below.

2. Shipping Prices: Currently, we don't have shipping prices entered for physical rewards in Backerkit. We plan to wait until closer to fulfillment to enter and charge you for the physical items on your survey to get the most accurate fulfillment prices.

3. Updating Addresses: You will be able to update your address until we lock the addresses, which will be right before shipping around March 2024. We will let you all know when that is.

Pre-Orders Are Live!

Did you or a friend miss out on the Kickstarter? It’s not too late to pick up these goodies in our pre-order store!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].


Nayan & Lee

12 months ago – Fri, Sep 22, 2023 at 09:18:46 AM

Hey All!

We did it! We actually did it! And it's all thanks to you, our wonderful backers!

We just want to say thank you to all of our backers, all our supporters, and the entire Kickstarter and DnD community for coming out and helping make our dreams come true. We've got a long road ahead and a lot of work to do still, but with the support you've given us, I know we'll make it through! We raise our flagons of mead to you! Thank you!

Next Steps on the Journey Ahead

Now that the campaign is over, all you need to do is keep an eye out for our Backer Survey, which will be sent in the next few months (closer to the time of shipping). We will send out updates to remind everyone. The surveys will be collecting your shipping, pledge choices, and add-on details, so make sure you fill it out as soon as possible. In the meantime, we will keep you updated on any developments on the Deck of Loot & Encounters and show off the cool stuff we will be working on!

Miss The Campaign? Know someone who did?

Don't worry if you missed the fun! We'll be accepting late pledges soon, so make sure to check the Kickstarter page in a couple of weeks for details.


Thanks again, everyone! We are humbled by your support and extremely excited to get this show on the road! And remember, don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions!


Nayan & Lee